Tag: Terror Attacks in Paris

  • Shin Lim Paris Tribute

    Shin Lim Paris Tribute

    Shin Lim

    Artists create art because they are compelled to…because they have to. Art is not meant to teach, to entertain, to distract, to amuse, to serve beauty, to disgust, to challenge, to stimulate or to cheer or to make a moral point. Art exists chiefly for its own sake. However, sometimes Art does some or even all of these things and when it does it elevates and advances the human experience.

    Magic is an art and Shin Lim is one of magic’s great young artists. After the terror attacks in Paris last week, Shin created this tribute to those who lost their lives, were injured and all of the people that were affected by the tragic attacks in Paris.

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    In the routine he encourages everyone to Pray For Paris. For those curious about the card effects, this is a routine Shin Lim originated and performs almost on a daily basis in theaters and stadiums. In this version of the routine he “wanted to get away from the loud and grandiose venues and give something more tranquil”. Shim realizes that his living room isn’t the most luxurious background to look at, but hopes viewers enjoyed this routine nonetheless.

    Shin Lim recently fooled Penn & Teller on international television and he won the Close-up Card Magic Championship in Rimini, Italy at the international magic competition known as FISM. You can read about that and watch his performance on Penn & Teller: Fool Us by clicking here.

    Lim is motivated by being the best he can be. His advice for hopefuls in magic is to “Keep on going no matter what, and don’t listen to anyone’s advice but your own.”  A former pianist who turned to magic a few years ago, Shin Lim’s entire performance is accompanied in rhythm by a rousing orchestral piece. What’s more during the entire performance he doesn’t say a word, letting his magic to the talking for him.