Tag: Ran’d Shine

  • Quiet  Masters Speak Loudly

    Quiet Masters Speak Loudly

    Quiet Masters BannnerWe are pleased to announce the completion of the documentary series “QUIET MASTERS – THE HISTORY AND RELEVANCE OF THE BLACK MAGICAL ARTIST”.

    This documentary contains important historical facts, an unprecedented cast and dynamic interviews from black magicians from around the world. Witness their journey as they tell stories of their struggles and triumphs. Audiences will learn about artists like Henry “BOX” Brown, a slave who mailed himself to freedom; Fetaque Sanders, who excelled in magic during some of America’s darkest times; Ellen E. Armstrong from the first family of black magicians; and Richard Potter, who was born to a slave and her master, becoming the first American born professional magician.

    Ice Interview QM 2Quiet Masters was produced and directed by Master Magician Kenrick ICE McDonald. On July 3, 2014, Kenrick ICE McDonald made history himself by becoming the first African-American National President of the Society of American Magicians, in the organization’s 112 year history. The Society of American Magicians founded in 1902, is the oldest and most prestigious magic organization in the world.

    “It brings me joy to expose and introduce to the world the rich history of the Great Black Magicians of the past, and also introduce them to some of the today’s Great Black Magical Artists. This project took eighteen months and over fifty interviews to complete” says, Executive Producer Kenrick Ice McDonald. McDonald states that this documentary is like no other presentation on the black magical experience.

    Quiet Masters Sneak peek 2 from Kenrick Ice McDonald on Vimeo.

    The artists in this documentary include: Goldfinger and Dove, Ice McDonald, The Evasons, Phelston Jones, Benjamin Barnes, Rory Rennick, Kid Ace, Jamahl Keyes, Victor and Diamond, Chris Capehart, Meeka Diane, Hiawatha Johnson Jr., Eric Jones, Tevell Rose, Eric Redman, William Watt, Michael Vincent, Ran’D Shine, Victoria Bey, Eric Anderson, Sukuma Avery, Mondre and many others.

    Updates will soon be available at www.icestormentertainmentgroup.com/films

    For more information please contact Ice Storm’s Representative Maxwell Vann at icestormeg@earthlink.net or call 310-559-8968

  • Ice McDonald and the QUIET MASTERS

    Ice McDonald and the QUIET MASTERS

    Quiet Masters POSTER We are pleased to announce the completion of the documentary series “QUIET MASTERS – THE HISTORY AND RELEVANCE OF THE BLACK MAGICAL ARTIST”.

    “This project took 18 months and thousands of hours to complete” says, Executive Producer Kenrick Ice McDonald. Ice McDonald also said that this documentary is like no other presentation on the black magical experience.

    This documentary contains important historical facts, an unprecedented cast and dynamic interviews. Witness through these magical artists own words, their Journeys through this magical world. Audiences will learn about artists like Henry “BOX” Brown, Black Herman and Ellen E. Armstrong. The artists in this documentary include: Goldfinger and Dove, The Evasons, Phelston Jones, Kid Ace, Jamahl Keyes, Victor and Diamond, Chris Capehart, Meeka Diane, Eric Jones, Eric Redman, William Watt, Michael Vincent, Ran’D Shine, Ice McDonald and many others.

    More information about this documentary will be coming soon to THE MAGIC COMPASS.

    Updates will soon be available at www.icestormentertainmentgroup.com/films
    and at “The Magic Compass”

  • The Importance of Black Magicians

    The Importance of Black Magicians

    Ice Interview QM 2Quiet Masters -The History and Relevance of the Black Magical Artist” is a documentary that connects the past, present and future of the Black Magicians. S.A.M. Past National President Kenrick ICE McDonald has been quietly working on this project for the past year. This documentary series entitled “Quiet Masters” spotlights a variety of talented individuals. The first part of the Quiet Masters series will cover “The History and Relevance of the Black Magical Artist.” The two hour documentary is in post production, take a glance at this footage to see some of the participants in this project.

    Quiet Masters is a thirteen part documentary series that will cover various topics. The first installment of this series will be Quiet Masters – “The History and Relevance of the Black Magical Artist”. The segment will highlight and introduce to the world, historically black magicians from the early 1800’s and 1900’s.

    A ah ha moment with Jamalh KeyesThis documentary will also introduce to the world, current and future artist who have and are making their mark on history. Kenrick Ice McDonald has traveled through-out the United States and parts of the world, collecting interviews and footage for this ground breaking series. Some of the historical magical artist scheduled to appear in this documentary include: Richard Potter – son of a slave and her master, born in 1783; Henry Box Brown – slave turned magician; Ellen E. Armstrong – called the “Mistress of Modern Magic”, born in 1914; Fetaque Sanders and Frank Brent. Also included are current magical artists Phelston Jones, Eric Anderson, Meeka Diane, Ice McDonald, Eric Jones, Victor and Diamond, Rory Rennick, Benjamin Barnes and many others.  Stay tuned for this history making documentary – Quiet Masters “The History and Relevance of the Black Magical Artist”. Written and Directed by Kenrick Ice McDonald.

  • SAM Convention Offers Public Shows

    SAM Convention Offers Public Shows

    The Society of American Magicians in PhiladelphiaFIVE GREAT MAGIC SHOWS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC at the 2015 Society of American Magicians Convention In Philadelphia

    “All things considered, I’d rather be in Philadelphia” – W.C. Fields

    Hey Pennsylvania, are you looking for something fun to do with the family this summer? Consider seeing one of the fantastic, never-to-be-repeated magic shows produced by The Society of American Magicians.

    Tickets for each show are only $25.00. The shows run July 1 – 4  in the Houdini Theater at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, 1201 Market Street. Reserve your tickets by calling 719-338-8169, email SAMregistrar@yahoo.com or click here.

    Transformation of Vaudeville WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 8 PM

    Witness the “Transformation of Vaudeville” with Jonathan Burns, Scott Alexander, Lee Germain and Judi, Andy Dallas, Lindsay Benner and Bob Little.


    The Magic of SpainTHURSDAY, JULY 2, 8 PM

    “The Magic of Spain” offers an international flavor with the “Close-up Experience” starring Hector Mancha, Woody Aragon, Mario Lopez and Juan Luis Rubiales.



    Miguel Puga - Piano & PasteboardsFRIDAY, JULY 3, 8 PM

    Miguel Puga (World Champion Magician) and his “Concerto for Piano and Pasteboards,” an unusual concert with two players, four hands, a piano and a deck of cards.



    The Stars Of TomorrowSATURDAY, JULY 4, 1:30 PM

    The Society of Young Magicians presents the “Stars of Tomorrow” show, featuring the absolute best young magicians age 17 and under.


    The Heart and Soul Of MagicSATURDAY, JULY 4, 7:30 PM

    “The Heart and Soul of Magic” features the talented African-American magicians Ran’d Shine, Eric Anderson, Jamahl Keyes, Puck, and Mondre.