Larry Wilson is known for his high-energy, fast moving comedy-magic and tomfoolery. On October 24 he performed his “Piñata of Doom” illusion at his Spellbinder convention and the very next day Wilson received a call from Jimmy Kimmel’s production staff to adapt it for Kimmel’s late night show on ABC. You can watch the video of the illusion here.
Enlisting “YouTube sensation” Meghan Rienks and Kimmel’s co-host Guillermo, they tweaked the routine to reveal the new 2017 Ford Escape. You see what they did there, they did an escape to reveal The Escape.
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First they put Guillermo into an oversized piñata and hoisted it into the air. While Meghan Rienks feigned disdain, two “lumberjacks” attacked the piñata with axes. When the piñata was broken open it was empty and as the camera’s panned to the back of the crowd on Holly Boulevard Guillermo drove up in the new 2017 Ford Escape.