On Monday March 15, 2016, after years of working to get magic recognized as an art form, Representative Pete Sessions introduced House Resolution 642 and that resolution is now in Committee for review. If all goes as planned, support for this resolution will grow and it will be brought forward for a vote in the coming weeks.
House Resolution 642 is important, because it means the legislative branch of the United States Government recognizes and honors the art of magic. This can be a tool useful in protecting the intellectual property of a magician’s creations. It can also assist magicians to approach business corporations and foundations to secure corporate funding for their programs, like other art forms.
The Society of American Magicians has been instrumental in convincing Congress to recognize “The Art of Magic” for many years. In 2014 magic was recognized in the 113th Congressional Record. This official record is an account of the statements and documents submitted by members of Congress. While it was not a Resolution, it was at least listed as an art in the Congressional Record, which was a first for magic!
Now a Resolution is being considered and The Society of American Magicians supports this. Here is a statement from David Bowers, the current S.A.M. National President and also statements from the five most recent Past National Presidents.
As National President of The Society of American Magicians I encourage all of our members to support this resoultion by contacting your Congressman and urging him to support it when it comes to the Floor. The contents of this resolution, recognizing “Magic a National Treasure” is long overdue and will offer great benefits to the performance of Magic. Again please help us get House Resolution 642 passed.
David W. Bowers
National President 2015-2016
The Society of American Magicians
Of course I support House Resolution 642. It would be ludicrous for magicians not to support it. This will enable us as professionals to educate more people about our great art.
Kenrick “Ice” McDonald
National President 2014-2015
The Society of American Magicians
Master Magician, Author, Lecturer, Film Maker
I would like to thank Congressman Pete Sessions for supporting magic as an art in The Congressional Record when I was President of the Society. Furthermore, I would like to thank him for bringing this issue to the next step by introducing House Resolution 642. The purpose of The Society of American Magicians is to elevate and advance the art of magic. This resolution will help to legitimize those efforts. Please support this by reaching out to your Representative and asking for their support.
Dal Sanders MIMC
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The Society of American Magicians
S.A.M. Marketing Director
Congressional recognition of magic as an art has been pursued by the leadership of The Society of American Magicians since before my father’s presidency in 1971-72. I could not be more proud or supportive of House Resolution 642, which was inspired by the S.A.M. in conjunction with S.A.M. Ambassador of Magic David Copperfield. Please join me in calling your congressman and asking them to support House Resolution 642.
Christopher J Bontjes, MIMC
National President 2012-2013
The Society of American Magicians
So many incredibly creative, dedicated and talented artists have spent their lives furthering magic as an art form. Recognition by Congress will help take the art form, enjoyed by so many, to new levels.
Vinny Grosso
National President 2011-2012
The Society of American Magicians
For over 100 years, the members of The S.A.M. have known that that the performance of magic is a very special art form. It allows us to escape reality for a short time, but it also can evoke strong emotion and even help heal both mental and physical problems. Most important, it still creates “wonder”, even in an age filled with “magical” technology advances. Magic is more than an escape: It offers hope to those who can suspend their disbelief. I am very pleased that House Resolution No. 642 finally recognizes magic as a rare and valuable art form and a national treasure.
Mark Weidhaas, MIMC
National President 2010-11
The Society of American Magicians
S.A.M. National Conference Executive Director
The purpose of this resolution is to establish magic as the art form it is and as a result, afford magic the same protection, promotion, and preservation as any other performing art. As a visual art, magic transcends any barrier of race, religion, or culture — and as an art form, it deserves the same respect as any other with a vibrant and diverse community of creators, performers, fans, and enthusiasts.
Please click on this link and sign the petition, and forward it to your Congressman. This will only take a couple of minutes of your time.